As nature lovers, sustainability has always been our priority.

In the wine business, as well as in any other industry, the quality of the product also depends on the environmental sustainability of the production processes. In order to combat the increasing environmental problems, our winery has worked on many aspects of the production in order to make them more eco-friendly. Some of the measures that we are adopting are the use of lighter bottles, the installation of a phyto-purification system, solar thermal and photovoltaic panels and the cultivation of our vineyards in a certified sustainable way.


Light Bottles

In our winery we use the typical bottle of the Langhe: the Albeisa.
The 0.75 liter bottle is available in three different formats: 450 grams, known as Light, 575 grams, known as Medium, and 700 grams, known as Heavy.
Until 2006 we used the 575 gram Albeisa bottle (the most common one), however, aware of the increasing environmental problems, we decided to switch to the Light bottle. This solution allows us to save on energy consumption related to production and transport, as well as on glass recycling.
With our current production of about 85/90 thousand bottles, in fact, this choice has led to a reduction in packaging of about 110 quintals of glass per year.


From the beginning, the purification of cellar wastewater has been a very important issue for our winery.
Since 2003, in fact, all the wastewater we produce flows into our phyto-purification system.
Phyto-purification is a natural procedure for the purification of domestic, agricultural and sometimes industrial wastewater, which uses the same spontaneous purification method that occurs in aquatic and humid areas.
This procedure has many advantages: the absence of odors, the total destruction of the pathogenic charge, the possibility of reusing the purified water for irrigation, the reduced electrical energy used compared to that used for traditional purification.

Thermal solar panels and photovoltaic panels

In 2010, we installed 18 mq of solar thermal panels that reduced by 80% the gas needed to heat the spaces and the water used in the winery.
In the summer of 2016, we built a new warehouse over which we installed another 32 mq of photovoltaic panels. This upgrade allows us to produce independently up to 60-70% of the electricity used in the winery.


Low impact on the environment

The vineyards are managed in an eco-sustainable way certified in compliance with European laws, Regulation (EEC) N.2078/92.

The use of plant protection products with a low environmental impact and the use of natural organic substances for fertilization have led to a reduction in the vigor of the vines, resulting in less foliar shading and the stimulation of the vine's self-defense mechanisms.

The management of the vineyard and the safeguard of phytoseeds are carried out in full respect of the environment and the physiology of the vine, thus reducing the impact on the environment and stimulating the plants to develop their own defences.

The chemical defense instead, is exclusively used to control downy mildew and oidium, mainly through the use of copper and sulfur-based products.

Cellar works